Lifestyles – The first lesson of my life in 3D Academy

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Let's go abroad

Let’s go abroad

Good evening everyone. It is Edward here again. Before I continue my story, let’s recap what happened to me previously. I lost my luggage when I was flying to Cebu. Without luggage, I continue my journey of studying in 3D Academy, straight into the learning mode!

Let’s practice English together with “Lifestyles” topic today. When I first walked into the 3D 1:1 class, I was asked by the teacher “would you like to share with us anything about your lifestyles?” How do you spend your free time? Do you prefer spending it alone or with friends? Do you think you are happy? Why? And why not?

Never give up your dream

Never give up your dream

To be honest I am easily intrigued by these kinds of topics that trigger you to think. The 1:1 class in the 3D academy taught me how to express myself and my lifestyle using the course book “Express yourself part 1”. The class was really impressive to me.

In the class, the teacher told me “Let’s discover together and find out a little about yourself”. From the discussions, we concluded that different people have different opinions towards living. Yet generally, we could categorize them into 3 main schools of thought towards living – the past, present and future.

Yesterday is a history, today is a gift, tomorrow is the future

Yesterday is a history, today is a gift, tomorrow is the future

The first group is the people who were always stuck in the past. They enjoy missing the past, felt a little bit regret about something happened or not happened. The second group enjoys their life at present and never care about the future. The third group thinks a lot about the future. Their lives are all about attaining their goals and never miss their target when they set it up. What kind of lifestyle do you belong to? Or do you have another point of view?


Another topic we discuss in the book is about the pursuit of happiness. How would you pursue your happiness? Some believe pursuit of happiness is an individual journey. Their desire is endless, but all about themselves without any consideration of others. Some believe that in order to gain happiness they have to restrict personal desire and refraining themselves from worldly passion. Some believe happiness is about being together with the whole world, they treasure their families and anything they have. Is that a right one? How do you think about it? Happiness or not, it depends on what do you have in your mind and how do you feel about the life.

These classes really sank me into the in-depth thinking mode. I believe that People should never regret about the past. Whatever happened yesterday, I cannot change it. Not even with a time machine. Why? Because if that happens, you will not become a person of today. Experiences are the most valuable lessons that shape who you are as a person.

Someone says “Happiness is something you realize only after you lost it”. Some people lives at the present moment and do not wait for tomorrow to come. Some people set up a target. Some people are lost. Some people do not allow something to control their lives. Whatever it is, this is your life. You should be resumed full responsibility for it.

I believe that everything about us come from our mind. We do what we think, and hence we become who we are from what we did. Future? Nobody knows who would happen, not even if we have planned it out and follow it. Life is always an unknown journey lie ahead. Until we know what is it we can only imagine it. Do you believe in fortune telling? If you do not have any idea about your future or you do not have any goal, who can tell you about your future. Everyone has their own path ahead, let build up to it your own way. Who are you in 10 years, 5 years, next year and tomorrow?

Walking out from the classroom, I felt super empowered from the discussion, and especially using English, a foreign language to me to discuss these issues, just encouraged me to think about the topics from a fresh pair of view.

Do your best

Do your best

That concludes the sharing of my first English 1:1 lesson – express yourself in 3D Academy. Thank you for reading and have a nice day on your road ahead.