インタビューしたときの感想は早口なのと、やたらSir Sirつけることですかね。
Studying English is very essential and it will give an individual a
lot of advantages. If you can speak English, you will have lots of
opportunities for further study or career progression. A person can also develop the insight of an
artist, the analytical precision of Scientist and the persuasiveness of a
If you study English, you can develop the four fundamental sills
like reading, writing, listening and speaking. You will have the flexibility to
learn about what you enjoy most and at the same time, you will be more
confident, more competitive and above all, you will have an edge over others.
I am
Maria Cristina Desoyo, a graduate of Bachelor of Elementary Education major in English. I
am patient, optimistic and hard-working. I am fond of going to different
churches during my spare time. I am also keen on reading articles about hair
and make-up. I work and teach with passion and I want to get involved in
several artistic endeavors.
I am good at the four
fundamental skills, but I would prefer and consider teaching speaking and
reading as my expertise.
フィリピン留学・セブ島留学なら3D ACADEMYへ。当校では、マンツーマン授業だけでなく、「未来に繋がる留学」をテーマに、将来的に英語を活かせる様な+αの技術や経験を習得できる学校サービスをご提供しております。