この記事は約 2 分で読めます
Hello, I’m Yuka, one of the intern in 3D.
I would like to introduce JY super market which is located on ground floor the same building of 3D.
This is gate of super market.
I usually go to there to buy daily necessities like toilet paper, tissue, shampoo,and sanitary napkin.
and it’s easy to get something you want mostly.
I will show you inside of super market.
we can see register counters at first.
there are many small shop too. I like to drink buco shake, which is made of coconut:)

There is a shampoo zone. Although most of shampoo is made in Philippines,
We can get some goods which is sold in Japan.
I usually use rinse in shampoo because it is cheap(around 100 pesoes) and not troublesome!
This is toner. When I came in Pilippines, I traied to buy it.
But I didn’t know how can I say it in English. Consequently, I missed buying it and bought face wash X(
please, be careful when you buy some cosmetics.
There is toilet paper zone.
As you can see, there are plenty of toilet papers on stocks.
You can choice it you are suit for.
I explain my favorite place. there are many snacks on shelves.
You can see many kind of potate chips there.
You also can get dried mango.
I’m going to eat dried mango with chocolate before leaving here.
If you have oppotunities of studying in 3D, you make the best use of this super market:)
if you find any wrong sentences, please correct it and tell me through 3D Facebook page 😉