has spread to all parts of the world so quickly. It’simportant to have a
language that the people of the earth have in common. Sothese are the
following reasons why studying English is important. First,English is
the international language of business and technology. Second, thereare
more people who speak English as a second language than people who
speakEnglish as a first Language. Our world has become very global and
we need tocommunicate with one another. Third, is the popular American
culture bringsinfluence to a lot of people. For instance, we can’t
understand English moviesand songs if we don’t know any English
vocabularies and expressions.
Cheryl Gomez Gimenez. I’ve been teaching English as a SecondLanguage
for 4 years. Teaching English as second Language helps me grow andbuild
more confidence to communicate foreigners. It makes me feel at ease
andable to meet people with diverse culture differences.
Listening, Reading and Speaking are the areasthat I thoroughly enjoy teaching
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